
#若妘工事 #電玩宅速配 主持\ ...

#若妘工事 #電玩宅速配 主持\ 明明要cos #黃易群俠傳m 的 #馬博士\ 少了鬍子居然有點像 #瑪麗蓮夢露 ?\ \ 覺得有點好笑?\ 愈ㄎㄧㄤ愈適合我怎麼回事?\ \ #ㄎㄧㄤ #marilynmonroe #差很多 #cosplay #coser #手遊 #mobilegames #funn

y #cute #doctor #hostess #主持人 #可愛 #創意 #無違和 #笑顔 #beauty

We just hit 20,00...

We just hit 20,000 viewers on “We Will Win”!! And with your help, we could potentially reach more medical workers through your shares. Thank you to eve

ryone who has watched, listened, and supported my new release. To be able to write and produce a song that brings hope and joy to many during these dark times is something I really needed to do but didn’t know where to start going in. I wanted this song to be a tribute to all the healthcare and frontline workers who work day in and day out tirelessly for our community. If we all work together and do our part to keep safe, then we can all get out of this pandemic together quicker. ⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀\ If you haven’t checked out my new song “We Will Win” click the link in my bio to see all the platforms you can listen to it on??⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀\ Be well and stay safe!⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀\ ⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀\ #song #covid_19 #awareness #peace #safe #prayer #doingwhatwecan #frontlineworkers #doctor #nurse #medical #medicalstudent #hospital #mask #epidemic #global #battle #healthylifestyle #health #prevention #protection #hope #win #battle

?Can't believe we...

?Can't believe we're less than one week to go until my first single goes live! ?⁣\ ⁣\ I truly believe that in business and in life, we all have a role

to play to help others. For me as a singer/actor, that means supporting our community and the greater good by doing one of my passions: creating music!?✨⁣\ ⁣\ I am really grateful to be able to give hope to people, at least with a song. So thank all of you who have been helping me to get everything in place for next Saturday!?⁣\ ⁣\ ✔️Pre-save it with the link in my Bio⁣\ ⁣\ #AsianCreativeNetwork #AsianHustleNetwork⁣\ #doctor #medicine #health #medical #nurse #love #wellness #instagood #healthy #healthcare #medstudent #losangeles #medschool #doctors #hospital #medicalschool #florida⁣\ #doctorslife #doctorsoffice #doctorsofinstagram #doctorswithoutborders #doctorslifestyle #doctorsonline #doctorsadvice #doctorset #doctorsofinstagtam #nurses #nursesofinstagram

#看醫生 #做檢查 #等待中 #⌛...

#看醫生 #做檢查 #等待中 #⌛️\ #See #doctor #Check #Waiting #っ ̫ -˘

Woke up this morn...

Woke up this morning to this message. So happy the song I wrote with my friend Sanyee Yuan, was able to reach some hospitals in America. God Bless! \ L

ink: \ https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=X6DY6tcz0xM\ \ #music #covid_19 #carona #awareness #hope #prayer #hospital #song #songwriter #songs #care #heroes #washyourhands #mask #youtube #doctor #nurse #home #medical #unity #health #healthy #support #goodvibes #goodmorning #help #tiktok #thankful #brave #fight @ Los Angeles, California

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• 有周遭的朋友面臨肛門極度搔癢,又癢又痛的感覺卻不知道原因?趕快告訴他,他可能「過度潔癖」才造成肛門

搔癢。 最主要的發生原因還是「過度清潔」或是讓「肛門太潮濕」引起。 ⚠️許多人會下意識以為自己肛門沒有清潔乾淨。 ❌上完廁所時更用力擦拭。 ❌加強清潔,用免治馬桶的強力模式水柱沖屁股。 ❌洗澡時用肥皂、清潔劑用力搓洗肛門。 但這些都會讓肛門更癢。 「肥皂搓洗」不等於「衛生」 肛門因為是糞便的出口,大部份人都會直覺的想要清洗乾淨,但其實肛門跟男性的包皮內部、女性的陰唇內部,甚至是口腔黏膜、眼睛黏膜一樣,都會分泌黏液來保護細膩的黏膜皮膚,如果過度清洗,反而會引起發炎、腫脹、破裂、瘙癢、甚至感染。 其實所謂的「肛門衛生」,是指肛門保持乾燥,使用清潔劑,無論是溫和的肥皂、藥用肥皂,或是中性沐浴乳,都會洗掉黏膜。 所以洗澡時用清水洗淨即可。 ✅如何改善肛門搔癢呢? ⭕️適度清潔 ⭕️保持乾燥 ⭕️避免悶熱 ⭕️潮濕或過度緊身的衣著 ✅其實如果有肛門搔癢問題 ⭕️暫時先停下所有清潔用品洗屁屁的行為。 ⭕️用清水沖洗,再用衛生紙拍乾,大約1星期的時間就會有明顯改善。 因為肛門的角質層再生速度很快,很多人擔心用衛生紙擦屁股會擦傷肛門,其實只要不要太用力,衛生紙不會傷害肛門周圍角質,如果很擔心的人可用濕的衛生紙擦,就可以保持乾爽。 #健康#知識#醫生#醫師#醫師日常#浦大維醫師#大腸直腸科#腸胃#腸胃道#健康飲食#痔瘡#肛門 #肛門搔癢 #過度清潔#doctor#doctorlife#colorectalsurgeon

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• 1112醫師節快樂 下班~ #健康#知識#醫生#醫師#醫師日常#浦大維醫師#大腸直腸科#腸胃#腸

胃道#doctor #doctorlife#colorectalsurgeon

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• 「焗烤番茄紅椒」 甜椒具有消除疲勞的的重要作用,而且甜椒中還含有能促進維生素C吸收的維生素P,就

算加熱維生素C也不會流失。 維生素P還能強健毛細血管,預防動脈硬化與胃潰瘍等疾病的發生。 甜椒所含的辣椒素,能夠促進脂肪的新陳代謝,防止體內脂肪積存,有利於降脂減肥防病。 那麼多好處,不要再挑食把甜椒挑掉了。 #是健康#知識#醫生#醫師#醫師日常#浦大維醫師#大腸直腸科#腸胃#腸胃道#健康飲食#痔瘡#益生菌 #減肥餐單#甜椒 #番茄 #doctor#doctorlife#colorectalsurgeon

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• 你們打疫苗了嗎? 我超怕打針,但打疫苗真的不太會痛。 打完疫苗該注意些什麼呢? Q:流感疫苗接種

後注意事項? A:1.接種疫苗後有極低的可能性發生立即型過敏反應,嚴重時可能導致過敏性休克。為了能在事件發生後立即進行醫療處置,接種疫苗後應於接種單位或附近稍做休息,並觀察至少30分鐘以上,待無不適後再離開。 2.使用抗血小板或抗凝血藥物或凝血功能異常者,施打後於注射部位加壓至少2分鐘,並觀察是否仍有出血或血腫情形。 3.接種後應注意有無持續發燒(超過48小時)、意識或行為改變、呼吸困難、心跳加速等異常狀況,如有不適,應儘速就醫,告知醫師相關症狀、症狀發生時間、疫苗接種時間,以做為診斷參考,並通報當地衛生局或疾病管制署。 4.完成疫苗接種後,雖可有效降低感染流感病毒的機率,但仍可能罹患其他呼吸道感染,故仍請注意個人衛生保健及各種預防措施,維護身體健康。 #健康#知識#醫生#醫師#醫師日常#浦大維醫師#大腸直腸科#腸胃#腸胃道 #流感 #流感疫苗 #流感高峰期 #influenzavirus #doctor #doctorlife#colorectalsurgeon

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• 「迷迭香烤雞胸」 常常覺得雞胸肉吃來乾乾的。 其實只要處理得當,雞胸肉也會變好吃! #健康#知

識#醫生#醫師#醫師日常#浦大維醫師#大腸直腸科#腸胃#腸胃道#健康飲食#痔瘡#益生菌 #減肥餐單#雞胸肉 #雞胸肉料理 ##doctor#doctorlife#colorectalsurgeon
