
\ 我們結婚了!正式辦理結婚登記後...

\ 我們結婚了!正式辦理結婚登記後,我們即將在6月舉辦兩人的婚禮,對我們來說婚姻就是互相陪伴、互相支持,彼此最好的依靠,握緊對方的手一起往前走。\ ??????✨(滿滿的粉紅泡泡啊)\ We are married! After formally registering for marriage,

we are going to hold a wedding in June. For us, marriage is to accompany and support each other, rely on each other best, hold each other's hand and go forward together.\ \ Youtube:小銘小玄夫夫日常\ Facebook:小銘小玄夫夫日常\ 大家來看看我們影片吧!???\ Youtube video:ms961024\ \ #2019 #gaylove #gay #gayboy #gaycouple #cuteboy #gayvacation #gaytravel #gayteen #gayguys#gayswithstories #lgbt #loveislove #rainbow #instalove #goodday #gaypride #beautifulday #iloveyou #love #boyfriend #boyslove #lovewins #meninlove #mylove #myboy #traveling #taiwan #婚姻平權\

\ 登記結婚當天,小銘一樣貼心,他...

\ 登記結婚當天,小銘一樣貼心,他用行動去展現他的浪漫,不定時的拿水給我喝,隨時驚喜、甜言密語,愛情就是這麼簡單,我想這就是我們最好的秘訣。?❤????????✨\ On the day of our marriage registration, Marc was as caring as he h

as always been. He used his actions to show his romantic side. He occasionally brought me water to drink, gave me surprises and whispered sweet words to me. Love is this simple and I think it's the best method.\ \ Youtube:小銘小玄夫夫日常\ Facebook:小銘小玄夫夫日常\ 大家來看看我們影片吧!???\ Youtube video:ms961024\ \ #2019 #gaylove #gay #gayboy #gaycouple #cuteboy #gayvacation #gaytravel #gayteen #gayguys#gayswithstories #lgbt #loveislove #rainbow #instalove #goodday #gaypride #beautifulday #iloveyou #love #boyfriend #boyslove #lovewins #meninlove #mylove #myboy #traveling #taiwan #婚姻平權\

\ 而從今天起,我們就是合法的夫夫...

\ 而從今天起,我們就是合法的夫夫,台灣讓我們很驕傲,讓我們在這麼特別的一天,證明我們對彼此的愛,我們會相愛到永遠,相信愛情,愛真的存在!????❤??⭐?✨\ From today on, we are legitimate spouses. Taiwan makes us proud. Let'

s prove our love for each other on such a special day. We will love each other forever. We believe that love really exists.\ \ @levis_taiwan\ Youtube:小銘小玄夫夫日常\ Facebook:小銘小玄夫夫日常\ 大家來看看我們影片吧!???\ Youtube video:ms961024\ \ #2019 #gaylove #gay #gayboy #gaycouple #cuteboy #gayvacation #gaytravel #gayteen #gayguys#gayswithstories #lgbt #loveislove #rainbow #instalove #goodday #gaypride #beautifulday #iloveyou #love #boyfriend #boyslove #lovewins #meninlove #mylove #myboy #traveling #taiwan #婚姻平權\ #ProudTogether\

\ 這一路走來真的要很感謝祁大哥,...

\ 這一路走來真的要很感謝祁大哥,他為了所有同志人權而努力,才能夠讓所有人在今天都能擁有結婚的權利,非常謝謝他,也很榮幸的讓他當我們的結婚證人,我們很幸運也很幸福。???\ Many thanks to Chi Chia-Wei who has been fighting for LGBTQ+ hu

man rights for these years, so that we can have the rights to get married today. We really appreciate what he has done, and it is also our honor to invite him to be our witness today. We are not only lucky but also blessed.\ \ 攝影師:李開明 @kaiming8\ 西裝:@id_tailor\ \ Youtube:小銘小玄夫夫日常\ Facebook:小銘小玄夫夫日常\ 大家來看看我們影片吧!???\ Youtube video:ms961024\ \ #2019 #gaylove #gay #gayboy #gaycouple #cuteboy #gayvacation #gaytravel #gayteen #gayguys#gayswithstories #lgbt #loveislove #rainbow #instalove #goodday #gaypride #beautifulday #iloveyou #love #boyfriend #boyslove #lovewins #meninlove #mylove #myboy #traveling #taiwan #婚姻平權\

\ 就在今天!5/24我們在台灣登...

\ 就在今天!5/24我們在台灣登記結婚,謝謝所有人的祝福,我們非常開心、也非常激動!\ ?❤???⭐?✨\ Today! On May 24, we registered for marriage in Taiwan. Thank you all for your wishes. We are

very happy and excited.\ \ Youtube:小銘小玄夫夫日常\ Facebook:小銘小玄夫夫日常\ 大家來看看我們影片吧!???\ Youtube video:ms961024\ \ #2019 #gaylove #gay #gayboy #gaycouple #cuteboy #gayvacation #gaytravel #gayteen #gayguys#gayswithstories #lgbt #loveislove #rainbow #instalove #goodday #gaypride #beautifulday #iloveyou #love #boyfriend #boyslove #lovewins #meninlove #mylove #myboy #traveling #taiwan #婚姻平權\

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