【問題】mrna processing中文 ?推薦回答
關於「mrna processing中文」標籤,搜尋引擎有相關的訊息討論:
轉錄後修飾- 維基百科,自由的百科全書。
這三個修飾包括5'端加帽、3'端多聚腺苷酸化和RNA剪接,發生在細胞核中mRNA轉譯之前 ...: 。
RNA剪接- 维基百科,自由的百科全书。
剪接(英語:splicing,又稱拼接),是一种基因重组現象,在分子生物學中,主要是指細胞核內基因 ... 成熟的mRNA會接著進行蛋白質生物合成中的翻譯,以產生蛋白質,稱轉譯作用。
: 。
Pre-mRNA Processing Reaches Back toTranscription and Ahead to ...。
2009年2月20日 · This review discusses how pre-mRNA processing, including 5′ cap addition, splicing, and polyadenylation, contributes to both the efficiency ...: tw | tw。
3′ end mRNA processing: molecular mechanisms and implications ...。
Messenger RNA 3′ end processing is a well-orchestrated process that involves components of the transcription, the splicing and the translation machinery. The ...: tw | tw。
RNA Processing and Export - NCBI。
mRNA processing is tightly coupled to transcription. ... Becker M, Baumann C, John S, Walker DA, Vigneron M, McNally JG, Hager GL 2002.。
Coupling pre-mRNA processing to transcription on the RNA factory ...。
2012年10月17日 · each of these pre-mRNA processing steps can be recaptured ... *Correspondence to: Woan-Yuh Tarn; Email: wtarn@ibms.sinica.edu.tw.。
Coupling pre-mRNA processing to transcription on the RNA factory ...。
It has been well-documented that nuclear processing of primary transcripts of RNA polymerase II occurs co-transcriptionally and is functionally coupled to ...。
Autogenous cross-regulation of Quaking mRNA processing and ...。
2017年4月18日 · Quaking RNA binding protein (RBP) isoforms arise from a single Quaking gene, and bind the same RNA motif to regulate splicing, stability, decay, ...。
Trending - YouTube。
親親2o音樂LîvË【中文音樂】. 親親2o音樂LîvË【中文音樂】. •. 60M views 2 years ago. ♡感謝你留下喜歡和訂閱♡ 打開鈴鐺接收最新消息→ 訂閱 ...。
Actin-Binding Proteins and Disease。
Real-time visualization of ZBP1 association with beta-actin mRNA during ... Involvement of Arp2/3 complex in the process of colorectal carcinogenesis. Mod.
常見mrna processing中文問答
延伸文章資訊The three most important steps of pre-mRNA processing are the addition of stabilizing and signali...
The messenger RNA processing reactions of capping, splicing, and polyadenylation occur cotranscri...
mRNA Processing. RNA processing is important for the post-transcriptional regulation of gene expr...
After being transcribed from DNA by RNA polymerase II in the nucleus, immature messenger RNAs (mR...
The eukaryotic pre-mRNA undergoes extensive processing before it is ready to be translated. The a...
Eukaryotic mRNA precursors are processed by 5′ capping, 3′ cleavage and polyadenylation, and RNA ...
Maturation of mRNA precursors often occurs simultaneously with their synthesis by RNA polymerase ...
The three most important steps of pre-mRNA processing are the addition of stabilizing and signali...
The messenger RNA processing reactions of capping, splicing, and polyadenylation occur cotranscri...
mRNA Processing. RNA processing is important for the post-transcriptional regulation of gene expr...
After being transcribed from DNA by RNA polymerase II in the nucleus, immature messenger RNAs (mR...
The eukaryotic pre-mRNA undergoes extensive processing before it is ready to be translated. The a...
Eukaryotic mRNA precursors are processed by 5′ capping, 3′ cleavage and polyadenylation, and RNA ...
Maturation of mRNA precursors often occurs simultaneously with their synthesis by RNA polymerase ...